Max Heidel is a licensed realtor in Rhode Island. His first exposure to the business was in college when he worked for several real estate brokers. He worked alongside different tradesman who were rehabilitating houses for resale. His experience in various areas of the business have resulted in a very high “real estate IQ”.
Max earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Rhode Island College. After a year as an Assistant Controller, he wanted something that would give him more interaction with people, so he started a career in sales. He has since gone on to being a top producing salesman and sales manager at start-up companies like Astonish and Swipely.
Max was born and raised in Warwick, RI and spent summers in South County. In 2010, he bought his first home in Charlestown, RI. Living throughout Rhode Island has given Max a great grasp on not just a city or neighborhood, but the entire state. In his free time, Max spends his time on the beach, surfing, or travelling.